Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trendy Textiles Newsletter

Mistletoe Marathon

I think I am getting the hang of the whole blog thing. I have never been much of a writer and I apologise for my bad grammar
My etsy team is running a month long MISTLETOE MARATHON. Everyone who is participating is giving away something free!! when you buy there listing. Some are doing free shipping and others like my self are giving away some thing hand made. I am giving away a really cute doll. Go check out etsy and search
mistletoe marathon

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sold one!!!

I am very happy that I sold this set. It is Just so cute and I really love it. I know I really need to start sewing more and I will. I totally cleaned and organized my sewing room so that should help. It was such a mess that I couldn't find anything and sewing was a pain.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Team trendy textiles

Don't you just love the name! It is an Etsy group that I am a part of and I really enjoy the company. Sometimes I feel like the nerdy girl hanging with all the cool kids. LOL These ladies are super stars in the sewing world and I envy there motivation. I know I could be doing more but every time I look in my sewing room I feel this panic. It is a strange thing. I am afraid to cut into the fabric. I know that I can sew and I know that I can create very beautiful things but it is hard for me to understand how I can do it. I guess I have this notion that one must be taught how to do something in order to be able to do it well. That is where my anxiety comes in. I know that when I am sewing that there must be an easier way or I have to change my design to fit my skill level. I'm sure that I am not the only one and I know if I just get in there and sit down at the machine I will be able to get out of this strange slump I have been in. Anyway here are the photos of my latest thing.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

So cute!!!


I made this Yesterday. And I love it!!! I am happy that I decided to stick with my own style even if it's not selling on Ebay I enjoy doing it and that is what counts.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Little Love
My Little Love
The story behind the look: Love it!! This is one of my favorites. I designed it so It can be worn all year long. It can be a summer dress, a spring dress with arm warmers, a fall set as in the picture and a winter set with a longsleeve shirt under it. Thanks for looking

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cooking again!


It has been along time sense I have wanted to cook, but the other day I decided that today was the day. I cooked a big pot full of stuffed grape leaves. They came out really good. They are super time consuming and involved but once the prep is over it is just a matter of rolling to the stuffing in the grape leaves. I like to sit and watch the news while I'm rolling them. I think about how the people in 3rd world countries must have rolled cigars and how cramped there fingers must have gotten. Once when we were in Turkey I bought this automatic grape leaf roller from the Turkish equivalent of an Infomercial. The Guy was in the Suk ( market) all set up with an over the head microphone ( the kind Madonna used to wear), a table, and piles of rolled grape leaves next to him. He was speaking in Turkish and I could only imagine what he was saying. Anyway he would slap the grape leave in the contraption, throw some stuffing on top and pull this lever that looked like the thruster on an airplane and wallah a nice tight perfectly rolled grape leaf. It took him a minuter to make 37 leaves. I had this idea that I could make the leaves really fast and spend the rest of the day in front of the T.V. eating BON-BONS. When My hubby came home I could throw on a dirty apron and pretend that I spent all day cooking the great meal just for him. LOL It Didn't work!! The thing would roll 2 leaves really nicely and then I would have to wipe it clean and it would just go down hill from there. The moral of the story is " if the locals aren't buying it, you shouldn't either. !!!

Here is the first step. soaking the grape leaves in boiling water.Photobucket

The Stuffing

Nicly packed in the pot


All done

Saturday, January 12, 2008

IN India


This is some thing I put together for an upcoming launch with my ebay group BeBeC. I really like it. It came out really cute. The top I did with out a pattern and I was getting a little worried because I haven't had any training and I was afraid that it would get wrecked. It didn't !!! The pants I made using a Euro Pattern called Zuma and I really love them I think I am going to try to make a pair for my self. Maryam was being so silly when we were taking the pictures. My friend Roz did the editing. That is one of my next projects, to learn to edit.
Look at her face. She is so funny.



Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My First Blog

So here I am 33 and I am finaly starting a blog. I feel so Big right now! As if I'm talking to the whole world.

I started making clothes about a year ago. I am by no means a designer but I can call myself a seamstress. I construct cute and unique children's clothing. I know that If I just stop being afraid of cutting into the beautiful fabric I could really be good. I have tried many things in my life but this is the first thing that I enjoy and I feel good when I see the end result.

Well here I am and I can only hope that this is a new start for me.
